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    5 Unique and horrified things from Planet Mars that will not be found on earth

    29/07/2022, Jumat, Juli 29, 2022 WIB Last Updated 2022-12-05T11:58:09Z
    Daftar isi:
    1. 1. The tallest mountain in the solar system
    2. Poin pembahasan 2


    Talking about the solar system and its contents seems to be endless. This is because the solar system contains many celestial bodies, ranging from planets, stars, asteroids, to others. Just as the earth is home to humans, in fact there are several other planets that are also still 'neighbors'.

    One of the most popular is Mars. Mars is the fourth closest planet to the Sun after Earth. The hallmark of this planet is the orange color which is then identified with an arid impression. However, it turns out that this planet holds many interesting things to know. Even some unique and horrifying things from the planet Mars that will not be found on Earth.

    1. The tallest mountain in the solar system

    The existence of mountains is not only limited to Earth, you know. This is because other planets such as Mars also have mountains that are still active today. Uniquely, this mountain on Mars has been named the highest volcanic mountain in the solar system.

    Mount Olympus Mons has a height of about 16 miles or more than 25 kilometers if converted. If the analogy makes it easier to imagine, it takes 2.5 Mount Everest to reach the height of Mount Olympus Mons. Of course this is what then makes the mountain from Mars dubbed the highest volcano in the solar system.

    2. Orbit of time that feels very long

    humans occupy Mars. This of course will not be found on Earth, because the two planets have different orbital periods. Of course this is related to the duration of rotation and revolution of the two planets.

    Citing NASA, as the fourth planet that has a distance of about 225 million kilometers from the Sun, Mars will only complete its rotation for 24.6 hours or more in 24 hours, 39 minutes and 35.244 seconds. The rotation also turns out to be in line with the duration of its revolution which can even be said to be almost twice the Earth's, because it reaches 687 days. With this duration, one year on Mars feels like two years on Earth.

    3. Humans can jump higher on Mars

    and not just geographically. One that also distinguishes it is the gravitational force that it has. The gravitational force between Earth and Mars is clearly not the same, because it is determined by mass and distance from the sun.

    Mars itself turns out to only have a gravitational force of 38 percent when compared to Earth, because it is much smaller in size, this allows humans to jump three times higher than when they were on earth. To make it easier to imagine, a human who has a body weight of 100 kg, then when on Mars it will only reach 37.7 kg. No wonder basketball players are said to be able to jump as high as 8 meters if they are on Mars.

    4. A dust storm that just stopped after months

    When compared to Earth, there are clear geographical differences between the two planets, one of which is climatic conditions. For example, dust storms may be very rare on Earth, because in general they only occur in desert areas. However, this kind of phenomenon is considered normal when viewed from the planet Mars.

    In general, dust storms on Mars can even continue for two weeks to even two months, depending on the position of the planet. It is not surprising that this is something unique, as well as extreme because of the various risks that also lurk.

    5. The area of ​​​​a very deep abyss

    Talking about the abyss is certainly one of the places that is called dangerous, while keeping its own beauty. If on Earth there is a chasm called the Grand Canyon, then on Mars there is a chasm called Valles Marineris which is the deepest and largest canyon in the solar system.

    Launching NASA, Valles Marineris has a length of 3,000 kilometers, a width of 600 kilometers, and a depth of 8 kilometers. Of course, this is what makes the Valles Marineris abyss the deepest canyon in the solar system and then provides many new sensations that are impossible to find on Earth.

    There are enough interesting things about the planet Mars that it seems almost impossible to find on Earth. With this uniqueness, it is not surprising that Mars is considered a unique planet with its own characteristics. Interested in living on Mars?




